Since you write assembly you're more aware than most of the classic power/convenience trade-off, and the SD-series tends more towards power, for sure. Also, for what it's worth, the SD-series is not necessarily the world's most user-friendly console. While StudioManager is very powerful remote-control software with full offline capabilities, the SD-series offline software basically is the console software (i.e., it's almost identical to the software actually running on the Windows-based console), and using it as a remote for a console is basically no different than using another actual console as a remote for a console. As for the StudioManager comparison, you should be aware that the SD-series offline software works on a very different principle. What you're describing runs counter to the SD offline software experience of everyone in this thread, so the more information you give us about what you're doing, the more likely we are to be able to help.) Where did you read about "digiconfig"? To my knowledge that tool was only for the older D-series consoles (and it's not mentioned in the SD9 manual anywhere). What are you doing differently? Is this a fresh install on this computer, or had you connected to a console at some point in the past? Are you seeing any error messages? Can you post screengrabs of what you're seeing? (i.e. At this point, the software may as well be running on an actual SD9 (suffering from pretty serious hardware failure, I guess, but no matter) and I'm free to open and save show files as I please. A window popped up called "SD9 Master screen", then two more windows popped up called "SD9 Channel Surface 1" and "SD9 Channel Surface 2". I just downloaded the latest SD9 offline installer from here, I installed it, then I double-clicked on the "SD9" icon that the installer put on my desktop.